Message from the Dean

Four CAFNR students were selected as recipients of the MU Award for Academic Distinction.
photo of Vice Chancellor and Dean Christopher Daubert

CAFNR alumni, donors and friends,


Last summer we began preparing CAFNR for a post-COVID world. Our efforts were collectively named “CAFNR ReGenesis,” and each of our three associate deans were charged with a specific area of focus.


We continually strive to be good stewards of our resources, and as we advance our core missions in CAFNR, we constantly seek to identify improvements and new efficiencies. This careful examination of our college has resulted in consolidations, emerging initiatives and reorganizations.


I share with you the following details of CAFNR’s academic realignment:

The former Division of Food Systems and Bioengineering is now the Division of Food, Nutrition and Exercise Sciences, with the Nutrition and Exercise Physiology program (from the former College of Human and Environmental Sciences, HES) joining the Food Science program to populate the restructured division.
The department of Biomedical, Biological and Chemical Engineering (BBCE), formerly a joint program with the College of Engineering (COE), is now administered solely out of the COE. CAFNR will retain joint faculty from this department, as it does with many units across campus.
The Agricultural Systems Technology degree program, faculty and agricultural engineering Extension faculty joined the Division of Plant Sciences, creating the restructured Division of Plant Science and Technology.
The Personal Financial Planning program (from HES) is now a part of the Division of Applied Social Sciences (DASS).


These changes took effect July 1, 2021, and no existing degree programs, other than the location of their administrative home, were impacted. We extend a warm welcome to our new faculty, students and alumni joining us from NEP and PFP – we are glad you’re here!

With these changes, we aim to bring a new, energized focus to our programs so that we remain a valuable and innovative institution for our students, stakeholders and industry partners.

We also examined the Missouri Agriculture Experiment Station (MOAES). The MOAES will undergo a restructuring over the next nine months, so that it, too, can remain relevant and efficient. The Moving AES Forward taskforce, led by Marshall Stewart, MU Extension, and Leslie Holloway, Missouri Farm Bureau, presented recommendations to UM President and MU Chancellor Mun Choi. CAFNR administrators have reviewed the recommendations and are fully supportive.

The MOAES restructuring will begin with the following recommendations:

Restructure and realign the centers and farms into four research hubs operated by CAFNR and four Extension and Education centers operated by MU Extension.
Create a statewide AES Strategic Advisory Committee consisting of representatives from each center’s advisory committee, CAFNR faculty and external partners from other land-grant universities, agencies, commodity and/or partner organizations.
Consolidate fiscal, human resources, field operations and other administrative functions.
Develop a comprehensive communications plan to reach younger farmers and ranchers who are beginning careers in agriculture.


The new MOAES network of Research, Extension and Education Centers will be more efficient, forward-looking, nimble and stakeholder-relevant. We are one statewide experiment station, and the new structure will allow us to function more cohesively with MU Extension in improved service for Missouri agriculture in the 21st century.

As always, I sincerely appreciate your support of CAFNR, and we look forward to your collaboration as we welcome new academic programs and implement new plans to shape the future of our college. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly with any questions or concerns.


Christopher R. Daubert, PhD
Vice Chancellor and Dean

College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources


Four CAFNR students were selected as recipients of the MU Award for Academic Distinction.
Wildlife biologists have studied mammal tracking patterns for years. A national study was launched to study wildlife throughout the United States. Researchers at the University of Missouri (MU) provided data from the Horticulture and Agroforestry Research Center (HARC). Photo courtesy of Summer LaRose.

Introducing Shawn Poore

Starting Sept. 1, Shawn Poore will join CAFNR as the Executive Director for Advancement. Shawn has been in higher education fundraising for nearly 20 years, most recently as Senior Director of Advancement at MU’s Trulaske College of Business. Other roles have included those at William Woods University, Stephens College and the MU College of Engineering.


He is a proud sixth-generation Missourian, and co-owns his family farm in northeast Missouri.


In his new role in CAFNR, Shawn will oversee the Advancement and Alumni Relations team, as well as serving as CAFNR’s lead fundraiser.


You can learn more about Shawn in our September issue of CAFNR Connected. Please help us welcome Shawn to the CAFNR leadership team!

Four CAFNR students were selected as recipients of the MU Award for Academic Distinction.
Wildlife biologists have studied mammal tracking patterns for years. A national study was launched to study wildlife throughout the United States. Researchers at the University of Missouri (MU) provided data from the Horticulture and Agroforestry Research Center (HARC). Photo courtesy of Summer LaRose.

A SNAPSHOT of Wildlife Patterns Nationwide

University of Missouri researchers contribute to nationwide study, by setting camera traps at the Horticulture and Agroforestry Research Center (HARC) Read more

Faculty & Staff

headshot of Alba Argerich

Alba Argerich Receives 2021 Provost’s Outstanding Junior Faculty Teaching Award

Argerich is an assistant professor in the School of Natural Resources Read more
photo of Felix Fritschi

Felix Fritschi Receives 2021 Chancellor's Award for Outstanding Research and Creative Activity

Fritschi is the C. Alice Donaldson Professor in Bioenergy Crop Physiology and Genetics in the Division of Plant Sciences Read more
headshot of Leon Schumacher

Leon Schumacher Receives 2021 Provost’s Award for Leadership in International Education

Schumacher is a professor and the agricultural systems technology program coordinator Read more

Student Spotlight

Cattle close-up of face

Supporting Future Scientists

Two postdoctoral fellows in the Division of Animal Sciences have received Lalor Foundation fellowships in the past three years Read more
Torq'N Tigers 2021

Torq'N Tigers Take First in Five Categories During ASABE Quarter Scale Tractor Competition

The competition took place in late May and included in-person and virtual components Read more
Four CAFNR students were selected as recipients of the MU Award for Academic Distinction.

Mark Your Calendar!

September 17: CAFNR Tiger Classic Golf Tournament - Register your teams by Sept. 1.


October 1: Save the Date for Barnwarming! Watch your email for more information.

Ways to Engage: Join, Give, Roar!


Join the Mizzou Alumni Association, or renew your membership today! (Use “UAH” as the appeal code for CAFNR Alumni Association, and “UNR” for the SNR Alumni Association.)


Contribute to CAFNR. Give now!


Tell a friend, a corporate recruiter or your local legislator about the great things CAFNR does for students and Missouri farmers!
Do you know a high school student who wants to be part of the CAFNR Experience? Refer them today!

Stay connected to CAFNR.

You are receiving this newsletter as an alumnus, donor or friend of the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources.

Questions? Contact cafnralumni@missouri.edu

CAFNR Alumni Association

112 Eckles Hall, Columbia, Missouri

